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Monday 3 September 2012

Inspiration over the years

I randomly picked this topic out of curiosity; ever since I was young I have heard all kinds of people speaking about this man, a leader and a hero, famously known for his quotes, Martin Luther King. I actually dint know about him much apart from him being a clergyman, I wasn’t even sure, about I have a dream and of course for his famous quotes that I too have been using them but not so familiar with this historical figure.
Martin Luther King was a middle child, I guess it runs in middle children, am not mentioning names, probably that’s why I got curious about him. Its funny how he became a clergy man, just like his father, many are the times pastors kids are complete opposite of their clergy parents, if I was to look around and, pin point clergy children, my point will be well demonstrated, but well its just a stereotype.
One thing that amazes me is the dedication that he had on fighting for human rights and especially for the blacks. I wonder, was there a time that, he was discriminated against that made him the person he was? But then again it doesn’t have to be for that reason, as everyone has a different passion that was his passion and calling. I was especially amazed by the story of a 15 year old woman, Claudette Colvin, who was charged for not giving up a bus seat for a white man, mind you she was pregnant. You know what this comes with, moods and moods to make it worse she was unmarried. For heavens sake, with all respect, those Jim crow laws, as was being followed, was total misery. Why would the white man come earlier than that if he really needed the seat? I wish that can happen now, the rudeness especially in Nairobi public transport, no one can spare you for that.
Jim claws laws are ridiculously funny, no white was supposed to be a nurse in any public or private hospital, It shall be unlawful for a negro and white person to play together or in company with each other at any game of pool or billiards, All marriages between a white person and a negro, or between a white person and a person of negro descent to the fourth generation inclusive, are hereby forever prohibited. I can not continue with this, its so depressing, I just thank God I have never experienced such animosity, so to say. These are the few of many other laws that Martin Luther was fighting against. I have not experienced this discrimination to this far, the one that was bad for me, but no where near this is a time I was in South coast and we were literally chased away from a hotel just because we are blacks. It wasn’t directly told to us but some things, you don’t have to be told, its just right there on your face. Back to these annoying laws, how on earth would someone think his/her race is most important and not even care to an extent a law is implemented.  When I say a law, I mean it, its a set rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior.
Its just amazing how there’re people who no matter what they go through, they keep the optimistic attitude. Martin Luther was one such person; King used a non-violent strategy which was well adopted by black students all over. This included the activities of the freedom fighters  in their campaign against segregated transport. Within six months these sit-ins had ended restaurant and lunch-counter segregation in twenty-six southern cities. Student sit-ins were also successful against segregation in public parks, swimming pools, theaters, churches, libraries, museums and beaches. Talk of great leaders, Martin qualifies, unlike most of our leaders who advocate for all violent ways they know of he did not, no wonder everyone uses his sayings till today.
Well, I don’t know what will happen now; we’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn’t matter with me now, because I’ve been to the mountaintop. And I don’t mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life - longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over, and I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I’m happy tonight; I’m not worried about anything; I’m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord."
I have been to the Mountain top, that was the last thing, he said and the next time he was shot dead. How sad people leave us. But one thing is for sure he has been an inspiration to many, he changed the world, with so many things but the key he fought for rights, human rights that were completely not rights according to other human beings.