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Thursday 16 August 2012

Hidden treasure

Ohh well, you probably are wondering what am talking about, I know. Anyway I just discovered a hidden treasure that has been so close yet to far to be known.
So yesterday a friend complimented me for having done a piece of work in such a short time, well as  he says, as opposed to what he is used to.

I am not spontaneous.  I love lists.  I organize things to other people's distraction.  I like organization, which I suppose is not a bad thing.
I do not like stress at all at all, as in I can do anything to avoid it. I guess this has come with a positive thing don’t procrastinate!
There I said it! Isn’t that enlightening? I mean, how many knew that? Of course we all knew that but we act like we don’t. -)
This made me realize , you only need to know yourself and look at what you do. This is the only way you get to know your strengths al of us have strengths, it doesn’t matter if the other person does not like what you do.... We are greatly in need of such a warning.
I have since resolved to using my treasure that took long to be one, and I tell you, its amazing, stress percentage now ., yes for real. It has become so relaxing and FUN!  I still have some organization (that's just me), but even the organization is more playful.  I wish I had discovered this years ago. Procrastinating is a dangerous bird flu.

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