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Monday 6 August 2012

Greatest Gift

Greatest Gift
Other things may change but this will never change
My basic instinct is not for survival but for family. When I look at my life, the greatest happiness I can say is my family. I do not know what words to use to say how much I love and treasure my family. Every time I pray I can never forget to whisper to God something about my family and most of all to thank him for giving me such an awesome family. As I write this, I feel so much emotion that no one can understand not even myself; all I know is am grateful.
We are five, Dad, mum, big brother, myself and my lastborn sister. The great gift of family is to be intimately acquainted with people you might never even introduce yourself to, had life not done it for you. If I wasn’t one of them, am sure I would find away that I will still connect to them for the great people they are, I would probably meet them and pretend to be homeless or in need, and for sure they would help me out, they have such big hearts that, they get moved with the simplest stuff that most people cannot seem to see. Note that I talk in plural terms, this is because we have all grown to be alike and with the good values that Paps and mum have instilled in all of us.
I call them superheroes, basically they have saved my life, I have hard my ups and downs and all throught they have always been there with advice and prayers. Many are times I annoyed them and did mischevious things but they have been my supporters. My Superheroes they are!!!

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